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Lead Instructor(s)
Sep 09 - 27, 2024
Registration Deadline
Live Online
Course Length
3 Weeks
Course Fee
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Applied Generative AI for Digital Transformation is an intensive and timely three-week program, crafted meticulously to delve into the depths of Generative AI technologies. It targets their implications and practical applications across various organizational contexts. Delivered through live-online sessions, the course amplifies theoretical learning with hands-on, action learning activities and assignments that emphasize real-world application. This program serves a broad audience, ranging from senior leaders and technology heads to managers and professionals across diverse domains such as innovation, sales, product management, marketing, and customer experience. It also welcomes investors interested in potential opportunities offered by Generative AI. The course encourages participation across sectors, providing immense value for those aiming to harness Generative AI to streamline workflows, drive product innovation, enhance customer experience, and comprehend investment potential.

Expand your knowledge of Applied Generative AI for practical use or to optimize productivity in your organization.

Course Overview

The interactive learning design incorporates four, 45-minute faculty presentations followed by a stimulating 45-minute discussion with faculty members and participants in each session. Successful completion earns the participants an MIT Professional Education Certificate of Completion and 4.0 MIT CEUs (continuing education unit).

Learning Outcomes

The skills you will develop

  • Understand generative AI deeply, including its historical development.
  • Discover how diverse domains like art, biology, emotional support, and learning apply Generative AI.
  • Comprehend and implement prompt engineering to enhance productivity.  
  • Learn strategies for automating organizational workflows using Generative AI. 
  • Understand the dynamics of reinforcement learning and the power of data search in Generative AI. 
  • Navigate the ethical, compliance, and risk aspects associated with Generative AI.
  • Understand potential digital transformation opportunities enabled by generative AI for your organization.  
  • Understand what it will take – from both technology and culture - to make AI work in your organization. 
Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at: 

  • Senior leaders charged with informing decisions regarding generative AI initiatives for their organizations
  • Technology leaders who want to learn current best practices for adopting and optimizing generative AI systems to boost business outcomes
  • Senior managers and mid-career executives who want to gain insights into the potential applications of generative AI within their organizations
  • Innovation managers, sales and product managers, and marketing and customer experience professionals who want to learn how to leverage generative AI to create new products, new content, and personalized customer experiences
  • Investors in venture capital, private equity, or hedge funds looking to understand investment opportunities created by generative AI
  • Professionals from all industries and sectors are welcome to create a dynamic learning ecosystem

*Prerequisites: No prior background in analytics, computer science, coding, or machine learning is required. 

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